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Dadadef is a young musician born October 30, 1996.

He currently lives in Thonon-les-Bains (France), a town near Geneva. He was introduced to music at the age of 12. He had been singing for years before, but had never realized that this passion for music would become a way of life. At this age, he also became a composer. He also started to play several instruments.

Guitar, piano, drums and bass are his primary instruments.

Dadadef est un jeune musicien n√© le 30 octobre 1996. Il vit actuellement √† Thonon-Les-Bains (France ), ville situe pres de Geneve. Il s’initie et la musique a l’age de 12 ans.

Auparavant il chantait deja†, mais n’avait jamais realise que cette passion pour la musique allait devenir vitale pour lui. C’est egalement a 12 ans qu’il compose lui meme ses musiques. Il se mettra par la suite e† jouer diverses instruments.

La guitare , le piano, la batterie ainsi que la basse en sont les principaux.


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