Melanie Taylor

No matter what I’m singing about, whether it’s a club banger or a ballad, I think that energy will speak to people. Every day I feel so blessed to love what I do and do what I love.

Eddy Faulkner

I’m a solo artist from Arlington, VA. My music is Pop music with influence from a wide range of different artists.

Chrissy Renick

Chrissy Renick is a young, passionate, singer/songwriter whose sound can most easily be described as authentic.

RJ Chevalier

Producer/Writer of dark yet hopeful piano music with a dash of strings, drums, and vocals where necessary 🙂

Alexandra DOM

Barely out of her mother’s belly, Alexandra already was searching a microphone to sing into!
You want more…here it is


Quiubo is a Colombian group, aged 9-15 years, who decided to create a unique musical project to express typical moments of adolescence, with a unique style enriched by rock, funk, jazz, pop, and fusion.

Sarah Urbin

In 2009, Sarah discovered a passion for singing. She never hesitates, stops at nothing, and is always ready for new challenges.

Solomon Akinlua

Solomon Akinlua was drawn to music from a very early age. “Everything around me suddenly became a musical instrument!”

Tara Asare

Tara Asare…”singing has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember”
