Ylia Callan

Acoustic folk rock singer songwriter from UKI, NSW Australia – finally ready to change the world, one set of ears at a time.
J H Unlimited

As a multi-instrumentalist and composer, J H Unlimited has many influences ranging from Prog, Indie, Classical, Metal, Pop, to Folk, as well as Acoustic instrumentals and stylings.

Eclectic rock with flares of folk, pop, and punk; coming at you from LA and Boston since January 2013.

Luci was an unexpected bond, but it’s been nothing but love and music since.
Mike Frazier

Virginian MIKE FRAZIER will be releasing his debut EP “VIRGINIA SON” on August 11th, 2015 through Geneva Records.
Matthew Santos

Making beautiful, inspiring music for your mutha-fuckooken-soul!
Gretchen’s Wheel

Like all true first loves, rock music has long held Lindsay Murray in its grip.

-kosoti- are a fresh, upcoming & unsigned, six piece folk/pop group based in the North East of England, UK.
Lauren Mann and the Fairly Odd Folk

In a world where the gift of simply appreciating music seems to have been lost, it takes something extraordinary to capture the heart and the attention of listeners. Lauren Mann and the Fairly Odd Folk do just that.