So for my very first assignment as a writer for the Global Musician’s Fish Pond, I got to write an article about a band from Mexico. Their name is Los Marty and their lyrics are all in Spanish. Now, I may know a lot of languages, but Spanish is not one of them. Stubborn as I am, I thought to myself, maybe I should research them just a little bit, read their bio, learn more about them. And so I did. It was all in Spanish.

Los MartyI played the song “Miente” quite a few times, I still have no idea what the title means, but I can tell that it‚Äôs a feel-good happy song, and boy, do we need to hear more of those! The clean guitar sounds, the vocal harmonies, the poppy, fun drum groove, the beautiful bass lines that stay in the background, but also compliment the melodies, they all tell your mind to relax and enjoy. This song just gave me an absolute energy boost! And also, the music video is pretty awesome! I see these young, happy people, playing music in a cornfield, there‚Äôs cows eating grass, and there are people dressed in cow costumes (which I didn‚Äôt understand the meaning of, but still found it fun).

Bottom line, I applaud Los Marty’s originality on this one, they absolutely captured me with only their melodies and a little bit of visuals! But also reminded me that I don’t always need to understand the lyrics, to enjoy music. Because music is live energy and it speaks it’s own language.

By Anna Yanova
