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Ever since it’s inception, Sanity’s Rage has set forth to put thrash back on the map.
Not just as a rehash, but to pick up the classical style and give it a modern and technical twist. Nowhere is this more apparent than on You Are What You Swallow, their debut full album. A blend of modern, varied thrash with a clear message: no compromise.
The story didn’t start there, however. It takes off in August 2006 with the birth of The Rage of One, an album which introduced the metal underground to the name Sanity’s Rage. The international Metal Community was immediately convinced of the strong potential of old-school thrash aggression mixed with technical/melodic influences, and the band make several international distribution deals through Rock It Up Records.
After playing at the frontline of the new wave of thrash metal with numerous friendly Belgian thrash bands, Sanity’s Rage got the opportunity to slowly take it to a higher level. In between local performances with fellow thrashers, they already got to test their metal with bands such as After All, Trenchfoot, Spoil Engine, M-busch, Chainsaw, Drifter and Sacred Oath. With several highlights in their ventures such as being part of the support for Lääz Rockit & Destructor gig for Alcatraz Concerts in Belgium and the Gama Bomb & Bonded by Blood gig for MDD at the Thrash Assault 3 Warm-up show in Germany.
You can find out more about Sanity’s Rage at their website or at their Facebook Page.
You can thrash out to “Apocalypse” right here: