Ricky England is a new Singer/Songwriter stepping foot onto today’s music scene. Currently stationed in Hollywood, California and full of young confidence, he hurries himself around the city with his acoustic guitar and mature songwriting that has quickly casted him into the ranks of notable artists. Folky chord melodies that are teeming with the tension and release of jazz rest just beneath his tender vocals, making it easy to see why Ricky and his endearing character stand out among the local acoustic scene.
“Songs have a way of summing up the world with a definition that will always be unique to each listener. There’s so much beauty in that! Coming across as a tad vunerable in your songwriting will help listeners feel comfortable knowing that they’re not the only ones with a feeling of lost hope, or the only ones yearning to love something yet undiscovered. People can then understand that it’s okay to be human, and that maybe they’ve felt the same way this whole time, but just didn’t know how to say so.”