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“Kalimur” is a word that Brett came up with out of the blue one day. It inherently means nothing, but is original, unique and fresh. As a band, we strive to give meaning to what “Kalimur” means to both us and our fans through our music and experiences. We write from the soul and hope to connect with anyone and everyone who listens. Let’s change the world.

Brett Steinberg is a singer/songwriter who has pursued music for over six years. For Brett it really is all about the music…and also the occasional scarf from H&M. He pours his heart and soul into every song he writes and aspires to connect with listeners around the world.

Tyler Berkich has been playing the bass since his elementary school years where his band instructor always told him he was being too loud. However Tyler continued cranking his amps and now is able to do what he loves without restraint.

What do you get when you add majestic hair and mind-blowing guitar shredding abilities? Alex Trouern-Trend. His musical journey began at a young age when his uncle gifted him his first guitar. From that moment on Alex and the instrument were virtually inseparable.

Find out more about Kalimur at their website, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, or YouTube Channel.

Check out “Thieves of the Night” right here:


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