Raelism8 Miles Down and Falling Fast

Max Rael has been in a variety of different music projects in a mixture of styles/genres including: experimental black metal with The Meads of Asphodel (Supernal Music, Candlelight Records), post-industrial punk/goth/electro with History Of Guns (Line Out Records, performed at Whitby Gothic Weekend and Fututepunk festival), industrial electronica noise ambient with Xykogen (Wasp Factory Records, Zero State Media), indie rock with Blue Label and synthpop with SPUCKTUTE.

He has remixed various artists including Fish (ex-Marillion).

Raelism is his solo electronica project which has the lofty aim of creating instrumental music with a narrative whilst exploring catchy melodies, harmony, counterpoint and saucy beats.

Check out more of his music at his website, Facebook page, Twitter Feed, and Soundcloud stream.

His new EP in 2014 is Freedom within the Prison which you can find on his Soundcloud link above.
