The Sandman’s Orchestra

THE SANDMAN’S ORCHESTRA is a duo made up of Pierre Laplace, a singer/songwriter from Lille, France, and his 17-year-old niece, Léonie Gabriel.

Sara Broman

A Stockholm native, Sara Broman spent the majority of her life in Sweden, while spending the past ten years traveling and exploring the world and herself in India, South-east Asia, Nepal, the Dominican Republic, North America and Europe.

The Window Panes

Handmade Music from Winchester Virginia; You haven’t had an experience until you’ve had The Window Panes experience!

Holly McGarry

Holly presents the dichotomy of a calm exterior with unbounded passion for music, a newly-minted adult with a lifetime of experiences.

Chatham Street

Christal’s vocals are a cross between Celtic and southern down-home, and they soar over Peter’s tasteful vintage guitar.

Brian Coughlan

Brian Coughlan came to the United States from Ireland in 1973 and began a career of playing music full time for over thirty years in pubs.

Chris West

Honest songs with a hip vibe intertwined with folk roots.

Ally MacLeod

Ally MacLeod’s formative years were dominated by the sounds of country music. Nothing strange in that, you might think, but coming from a small village in the Highlands of Scotland you wouldn’t necessarily expect Hank Williams and Patsy Cline to form the soundtrack of a Scottish childhood.
