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The Great Escape

This is why they still call it the Golden State: The 49ers found it in the dirt, a century later the Dogtown kids discovered it in the shape of backyard pools, and now, some four decades further down the road, The Great Escape, a foot-stomping, genre-busting three-piece from Venice, have struck that California vein again with their own blend of raw energy song craft.

Inspired by everything the West Coast has come to stand for – the surf, the sun, the laid-back attitude, the proverbial Dream –, every single track, every chorus, every story they tell oozes that fun-loving, grit-digging vibe and feel. And you can just tell they had to go the extra mile to unearth what they were looking for: After all, two of them, Kristian Nord (drums, production) and Malte Hagemeister (guitars, production), are originally from Hamburg, Germany – these guys came a long way to live that Dream. Joined by powerhouse singer Amie Miriello, a Connecticut native and seasoned performer, they are about to release their debut album, a collection of songs that offers just what it says on the tin – A Great Escape.

The Great Escape are:
Amie Miriello – Vocals
Malte Hagemeister – Guitar
Kristian Nord – Drums

You can find out more about The Great Escape at their website, their Facebook Page, or their SoundCloud page.

Check out song “All I Think About” used by JC Penney in an ad campaign and first aired at the Oscars 2014:


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