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Night Marcher

Born from the ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors, you can feel the rhythm, pulsing in the distance as they ward off evil spirits. Though it may blur in and out of reality, this is not an illusion.

It is no coincidence that “Night Marchers” was the first tune that songwriter Rob Reinfurt heard from the avant-groove band, Medeski, Martin and Wood; a band that has been influential in the way Reinfurt approaches music.

Fast forward ten years. Selfish wandering and social promiscuity was taking it’s toll and Reinfurt got knocked out. It was clear that passionless pursuits had no place in his life. He battled with the law and himself. The angst summoned songs and they came in droves: Rock songs, fuzz, reminiscent of the ones which rattled his teenage years. His first creative pursuit, The Weekenders, became his outlet for this expression.

As the grip loosened, the music which greeted him started to morph, churn and groove, becoming more psychedelic, musky and soulful.

Find out more about Night Marcher at their website, Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter.

Check out “Scars” right here:


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