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Hadley Kennary

A freshman at Berklee College of Music, Hadley Kennary started writing music when she was 14. Now 18, she released her first EP in June of 2011. Her sound is refreshing and real, mixing the mellow cleverness of Ingrid Michaelson with the melodic hooks of Sara Bareilles, finished off with defining harmonies similar to the Indigo Girls. Each song is a unique experience that stays true to her acoustic roots and vocal integrity. She is inspired by everything and everyone around her.


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Paige Chaplin

Hi 🙂 I’m Paige Chaplin. “If music be the food of love, play on”.

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Melody Michalski

I’m Melody. I’m 23 years old, from South Carolina, which is the total opposite of where I am now…”The City of Angels.”

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Steph Casey

I’m Steph Casey, a singer songwriter from Wellington, New Zealand, and my debut studio album Whisper & Holler is being released on June 28, 2013. The style of my music is a mix of indie-folk/pop, americana, and soul.

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