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Alizée Calza

My name is Alizée Calza, I’m 21 years old and I’m living in Geneva, Switzerland. I’m a singer, sheet writer and harp player. Music has always been a part of my life. I grew up listening all kind of music with my parents and outside: concert, CD…

After a “Peter and the Wolf” musical interpretation in theater, I discovered the harp and I decided that was THE instrument I wanted to play, I was 6 years old and I have been playing since then.

Singing came later. I have always loved singing, but first my only public was my shower curtains. I began real singing lessons at 16 years old in a kind of choir. In the mean time, I started associating the harp and the singing because for me it was indissociable.

The last step for me was creating lyrics, songs and melodies in french because french is my mother linguage and I like playing with the words.
Nowadays during my concerts I play some originals songs and some songs from famous singers.

You can see more of Alizée and her harp playing here:


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